Ad Hominem (France) - Planet Zog - The End... For a New World (2008)

01 Invocation of Madnes/The Art of Schizophrenia
02 Planet Zog
03 Auschwitz Rules
04 The Pslamody of Sub Humans
05 WW 111
06 Wolf Power
07 Delirium Tremens
08 Soldiers of Wotan
09 The End
10 Closing Ranks
11 Nuclear Black Metal Kampf
12 Ad Hominem
13 Ritual of the Depraved
14 Arbeit Macht Tot
15 The Dithyramb of Sadism
16 Slaughter the Pope
17 Will to Power
18 On Your Ruins We March

Both albums "Planet Zog - the End" and "For A New World" together in a dvd
case. Elegy Records version have "Planet ZOG - ...for a New World" as title and
Darker than Black Records as "Planeta Rois - Mondo Novo" as title.


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Note: Click here to get "Thoery 0 (2008)" EP.