Blood Covenant (Armenia) - The Blood of the New Covenant (2007)

01 Симфония Возвышения
02 Величие
03 Посвящение
04 Кровь Нового Завета
05 Старый Крест (интро)
06 Старый Крест
07 Вечная Красота
08 Апокалипсис
09 Выбор
10 Святое Святых

Second Production of this Armenian Sympho-Black Horde!!!

Part I:
--->Get It Here!!!<---

Part II:
--->Get It Here!!!<---



Kaminda said...

Helouuuuu Frank, aki saludos desde mi pc!!!!!
Muchangas gracias por ayudarme!!!! en serio :)
Bue nos vemos al ratos
te cuidas

Anonymous said...

a good band i really think it a mixture of death/black.
But a good one.
I just found their 2003 album downloaded too. 7 out of 10.

me encanta la banda!