Wiccan Rede (aka-Negura Bunget from Romania) - From Transilvanian Forest (Demotape 1995, Re-release 2000)


01 Vallacorum Tyranorum
02 Transilvanian Fullmoon Vampirism
03 Pohvala Hula
04 Into the Mountains King Realm (Unreleased Bonus Track)
05 De Silvae Transilvaniae
06 Immortality's Elogy - The Vampirism
07 De Rece Singie
08 Sculptured Fog (Unreleased Bonus Track)

--->Download Here<---

Killer Debut of the Well-Knowed Romanian Black Metal Band "Negura Bunget"... After this Release, They Changed the Named from Wiccan Rede to Negura Bunget... Re-released in 2000 as an Negura BUnget Album, Remastered with 2 Bonus Tracks...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me listen to this rarity.

Anonymous said...

re link please